Blog Archive

I've Moved/Ramble


I've moved to a new apartment!

Apologies for the lack of posts. If you've ever moved in the dead of winter, you know how difficult the process is. We actually moved last Saturday and the piles of snow on the street made it even worst.

But happily the worst part is over! We are new are now in our bigger and better apartment. So happy now! I think that I'll set up a post of some of the new goodies I've bought for my new place.

Anyway, this week was the launch of the Mac Wonder Woman collection and eventhough I received the invite to the party at MAC, I wasn't able to attend.

Did any of you get to attend? Or did you get to pick up anything at the store?

I am actually really bummed that I didn't get to buy anything! I LOVE the packaging so much!

Anyone selling anything?
